Back From Hell lop lop

My life was like living in hell with all the burden on my shoulders. I could hardly survive, yet, I am still alive hehehe... It was a horrible life that I had never ever imagined I would face but I did. Since then, I realize how important a life is to be alive lolz... Anyway, guess what I did on Valentine's Day?

08:00-12:00: @ office
12:00-13:30: Lunch @ sis house (get a big bunch of flowers from elder sis and a cute little cup of flower from Bang TO)
13:30-17:00: @ office (again -_-)
17:00-18:00: on the way to pick frs and then go to school
18:00-20:00: in USLS (United States Legal System) Class
20:00-21:00: go back and forth to get flowers for my two cutie sister and lovely mum
21:00-till then: Had dinner and a long talk.

(Right Click, select all, and you'll know what I did :P)

It was so stupid, the connection doesn't work but well, not too bad since i can go to bed early.

Still busy but ok, feeling like writing now and wanna say hi to everyone on Chinese New Year!!!
